what is human design?

Human Design is known as The Science of Differentiation.

It is a revolutionary decision making system that was delivered on the island of Ibiza in 1987 by a man named Ra Uru Hu.

The system combines the ancient teachings of Astrology, The I’Ching, The Kabbalah, and The Chakras, alongside modern science of Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics and Biochemistry. The synthesis of these ancient teachings, combined with contemporary science, created Human Design, a powerful, accurate, and beautiful system that lays out the blueprint on how to authentically navigate your life.

Human Design teaches that we were never meant to be like everyone else. We are unique and special in our very own way and when we learn to love what makes us weird and different, we discover our power and our inner strength.

The Human Design System is not a belief system. It does not require that you believe in anything. It is not a philosophy. It is a logical and practical system that gives you a map of your own personal system. A user manual for your own vehicle to help you understand the mechanics of how you operate in your own unique way.

And the best part of Human Design is that it is an experiment. You can test out all of this information for yourself. Be a scientist!

why human design?

Human Design offers a unique and comprehensive approach to self-discovery and personal growth. The purpose of Human Design is to provide insights into your inherent strengths, communication styles, and decision-making processes. By understanding your unique design, you can make decisions that align with your authentic self, leading to more fulfilling relationships, better career choices, and an overall sense of purpose.

Whether used for individual analysis, couples, or families, Human Design serves as a practical tool to navigate life with greater self-awareness. It empowers individuals to embrace their natural tendencies, make informed choices, and build more harmonious connections with others.

The benefits of Human Design are layered and developmental, offering individuals, couples, and families valuable insights and tools for personal development. Here are some key advantages:

Self-Discovery: Human Design provides a detailed and personalised roadmap to understanding your unique characteristics, strengths, and potential challenges. This self-awareness is a foundation for personal growth and empowers individuals to make decisions in alignment with their authentic selves.

Improved Communication: For couples, families and corporate environments, Human Design fosters a deeper understanding of each other's natural gifts and communication styles. This enhanced awareness can lead to more effective and empathetic communication, reducing conflicts and strengthening relationships.

Informed Decision-Making: By knowing your Human Design, you gain clarity on the decision-making processes that work best for you. This can be applied to various aspects of life, including career choices, relationships, and lifestyle decisions. It helps individuals make decisions that resonate with their true nature.

Harmonious Relationships: Whether in romantic partnerships, friendships, corporate environments or family, Human Design supports the development of more harmonious relationships. Understanding and accepting each other's unique designs encourages mutual respect and appreciation, contributing to stronger and more resilient connections.

Career Alignment: Human Design offers insights into the most suitable environments and roles for individuals. This can guide career choices, helping individuals align their work with their inherent strengths and preferences, leading to greater job satisfaction and success.

Increased Confidence: The self-awareness gained through Human Design often results in increased self-confidence. Knowing and embracing one's unique qualities allows individuals to navigate life with a sense of purpose and authenticity.

Personal Empowerment: Human Design empowers individuals to trust their instincts and intuition. It encourages a shift from external validation to internal guidance, fostering a greater sense of empowerment and autonomy.

Stress Reduction: Understanding one's design can help identify sources of stress and potential burnout. With this awareness, individuals can proactively manage their energy, reduce stressors, and create a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle.

The benefits of Human Design encompass personal growth, improved relationships, informed decision-making, and a greater sense of purpose. It serves as a practical and holistic tool for navigating life with authenticity, self-awareness, and harmony.

Welcome to Human Design!

How I found Human Design

I was introduced to Human Design in Ibiza in 2017 when I first arrived to the island. I was taught directly by friends and students of Ra Uru Hu, who saw my Projector design and began to teach me the mechanics of the system and how to effectively read for others.

I’ve always very much lived from my body - I had been teaching yoga for ten years before I even began my experiment - so the introduction to Human Design was a natural process. It gave me an even deeper understanding of the mind body relationship.

Discovering my unique human design blueprint transformed how I engage with the world - in my personal life and career. Since studying human design, my mission has become to empower you to discover your true nature so that you are able to operate in better alignment and learn to trust yourself more. Human Design is about becoming the person you are truly meant to be, in a way that feels authentic to you.

Human Design provides me with the tools to be able offer powerful and practical solutions that are individualised and help my clients develop a toolbox that supports them on their journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

I work collaboratively with clients to navigate challenges, enhance relationships, and foster a deeper understanding of their life's purpose. By integrating Human Design principles into our sessions, clients experience increased self-awareness, improved confidence, and a transformative shift towards living a more authentic and fulfilling life.


Human Design Individual ANALYSIS
90 mins +

Human Design Analysis for Individuals is a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal development. This methodology blends elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the Chakra system to create personalised profiles that highlight individual strengths, communication styles, and decision-making processes.

Human Design Analysis offers insights into your inherent qualities, helping you understand your natural gifts and potential challenges. It serves as a roadmap for making decisions in alignment with your authentic self, guiding you toward a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

By exploring your Human Design, you gain a deeper understanding of your unique gifts and how to leverage them. This analysis can help you navigate career choices and personal growth with greater self-awareness, empowering you to make choices that resonate with your true nature.

Human Design is a valuable tool for self-exploration, providing insights that can lead to enhanced self-acceptance, improved decision-making, and a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Welcome to Your Personal Human Design Experiment!

Human Design relationship ANALYSIS
120 mins

Human Design Analysis for Couples and Relationships offers a unique perspective to enhance understanding and harmony between partners.

For couples, Human Design Analysis provides insights into each partner's natural tendencies and preferences, fostering a deeper understanding of each other. It guides couples in navigating potential challenges, improving communication, and building a more supportive and fulfilling relationship.

By exploring Human Design together, couples can identify compatibility factors and appreciate the diversity each person brings to the relationship. Understanding each other's unique design encourages mutual respect and acceptance, allowing the couple to work together more effectively and create a stronger, more resilient bond.

Human Design Analysis for Couples and Relationships serves as a practical tool to strengthen connections, improve communication, and promote a more harmonious and fulfilling partnership based on the authentic nature of each individual.

Welcome to Human Design for Relationships!

Human Design Family ANALYSIS
120 mins
on demand

Human Design Analysis for Families provides a valuable framework for understanding and supporting the unique traits and characteristics of each family member.

For parents, Human Design Analysis offers insights into their natural parenting approach, helping them recognise and embrace their inherent qualities. It provides guidance on how to effectively communicate with their children based on their unique design, fostering stronger connections and more harmonious relationships within the family.

For children, Human Design Analysis can be a powerful tool for self-discovery. It helps them understand their own strengths, potential challenges, and optimal learning styles. By gaining awareness of their design, children can develop a greater sense of self-confidence and make choices that align with their authentic nature.

Human Design Analysis for Parents and Children serves as a practical guide for creating a supportive family environment where each member can thrive based on their individual design, promoting understanding, empathy, and effective communication.

Welcome to Human Design for Families!

120 mins +
on demand

Imagine a workplace where every team member operates at their highest potential. Human Design equips teams with the tools to identify and activate each member's unique strengths, creating a synergistic flow that minimises resistance and maximises productivity.

When a team understands themselves and each other better, they begin to work in harmony with each other. Exploring Human Design as a team is a powerful way to gain insight and develop a deeper awareness of personal potential, achieving a stronger, more efficient team dynamic that empowers the individual and provides clearer direction for the team as a whole.

With this knowledge, managers and team leaders can navigate challenges more effectively, optimising workflows and fostering a positive team culture. Human Design for Teams promotes a more harmonious and healthy work environment by encouraging open communication, empathy, and appreciation for the diverse contributions each team member brings to the table.

Welcome to Human Design for Corporate Environments.

Let’s work together.

Interested in working with me? Fill out the booking form below and I will be in touch to confirm your booking request as soon as I can.

If you have any questions or want to discuss your specific requirements, please include them below. I look forward to meeting with you!

Uossy ☥❥☥