“When I met her, I was lost and hurting so much, my sense of self disappearing before my own eyes. Uossy awakened me. She called me back from the dead. Like a lightening rod, she cut right through my trauma to my true self like and called me forth. She infused me with fire when I needed it most. She reminded me who I am and held me big. I had no idea the transition that was laying ahead for me, which Uossy's coaching prepared me for. I'm living my best life right now and I would NOT be here without her.”

— Chaplyn, artist, performer, coach. 
Vancouver, BC, Canada

“Uossy has the ability to read your brain, body & soul all at once, and guide you towards being a better version of Yourself.”

—  Emily Valentine,
Founder of The She Brief
London, United Kingdom

“Through her insight into my Human design, I was able to understand myself at a whole new and higher level. I am now calmer, more aware, and more in alignment with who I truly am, more than ever in my life and I have Uossy to thank for that. All in all, therapy with Uossy changed my life.”

—  J.Duerrmeier, Business Owner & Mom
Ibiza, Spain

"Uossy has a wealth of knowledge & is both powerful and hugely sensitive with how she delivers her sessions."

—  Tamara  Klemich Koron
Embodiment & Sexuality Coach
Mazunte, Mexico

“Uossy has given me a kind of ‘tool box’, which she reinforces frequently and encourages me to adopt and use. 

She listens intently, reads the situations I describe, and always seems to know exactly what has triggered certain reactions, how to get to the root of that, and how to tackle it. I have felt a great sense of understanding from Uossy’s part which is always comforting. She gets to know you very quickly, and there is a closeness and openness which is refreshing and makes the conversations easier. It’s been a very comforting and rewarding journey, and I’ve overcome certain hurdles thanks to our sessions. ”

— Rose Walters, Events Manager and Producer. 
Madrid, Spain

“My human design reading with Uossy was so insightful and just the right input I needed in my life. It’s a very extraordinary experience. I have organised another session for our baby daughter as her design and future strategies for us as parents to help her is so important to us, I have faith that Uossy will guide us for this reading as they are our future! I can’t recommend Uossy enough .”

—  Dr Neetu Johnson, MD Consultant Psychiatrist,
Ibiza, Spain

“Uossy is a real talent with a real intuitive and well-grounded approach. She provides a very insightful, enjoyable and relatable session. She has great knowledge on and off-topic and it was a profound experience.”

—  Andre Johns
London, United Kingdom